Antelope Canyon

Pain001 installation

Whether you’re just getting started or want to make sure you have the basics set up, you’re in the right place.

Pain001 installation

Pain001 is a powerful Python library that enables you to create ISO 20022-compliant payment files directly from CSV or SQLite Data Files.

Get started

It takes just a few seconds to get up and running with Pain001. If you use pip, open your terminal and run the following command:

pip install pain001

Add the -U switch to update to the current version, if pain001 is already installed. For example:

pip install -U pain001

If you do not have pip installed, you can download and install it from this page: Alternatively, you can use Anaconda to install pip.

How do I use Pain001?

It’s easy to use Pain001 to generate a payment initiation message from a CSV or SQLite Data file. After installation, you can run Pain001 directly from the command line.

Simply call the main module pain001 with the paths of your:

Here’s how you would do that:

python3 -m pain001 \
    <xml_message_type> \
    <xml_template_file_path> \
    <xsd_schema_file_path> \


When running Pain001, you will need to specify four arguments:


The following examples demonstrate how to use Pain001 to generate a payment initiation message from a CSV file and a SQLite Data file.

Using a CSV Data File as the source

python3 -m pain001 \
    pain.001.001.03 \
    /path/to/your/template.xml \
    /path/to/your/pain.001.001.03.xsd \

Using a SQLite Data File as the source

python3 -m pain001 \
    pain.001.001.03 \
    /path/to/your/template.xml \
    /path/to/your/pain.001.001.03.xsd \

Using the Source code

You can clone the source code and run the example code in your terminal/command-line. To check out the source code, clone the repository from GitHub:

git clone

Then, navigate to the pain001 directory and run the following command:

python3 -m pain001 \
    pain.001.001.03 \
    templates/pain.001.001.03/template.xml \
    templates/pain.001.001.03/pain.001.001.03.xsd \

This will generate a payment initiation message from the sample CSV Data file.

You can do the same with the sample SQLite Data file:

python3 -m pain001 \
    pain.001.001.03 \
    templates/pain.001.001.03/template.xml \
    templates/pain.001.001.03/pain.001.001.03.xsd \

Note: The XML file that Pain001 generates will automatically be validated against the XSD template file before the new XML file is saved. If the validation fails, Pain001 will stop running and display an error message in your terminal.

Embedded in an Application

To embed Pain001 in a new or existing application, import the main function and use it in your code.

Here’s an example:

from pain001 import main

if __name__ == '__main__':
  xml_message_type = 'pain.001.001.03'
  xml_template_file_path = 'template.xml'
  xsd_schema_file_path = 'schema.xsd'
  data_file_path = 'data.csv'


To validate the generated XML file against a given xsd schema, use the following method:

from pain001.core import validate_xml_against_xsd

xml_message_type = 'pain.001.001.03'
xml_file = 'generated.xml'
xsd_file = 'schema.xsd'

is_valid = validate_xml_against_xsd(
print(f"XML validation result: {is_valid}")